Lyrics +"the Consequences You Know I'll" +"Don't You Mess With Me"


The aim of this paper is to examine the propaganda power of Madison's Solidarity Sing-Along. To do and then, I volition modify the Epistemic Merit Model of propaganda then that information technology tin account for a broader spectrum of propaganda. I volition show how this is consistent with other accounts of musical pragmatics and the potential political function of songs and music. This will provide the footing for a robust estimation of the political meanings of the Solidarity Sing-Along. I volition assume the Madison protests and the Solidarity Sing-Forth can be considered a paradigm case of peaceful protest equally it has been claimed that the Madison protest and the role of art inside those protests set the phase for the Occupy Movement protests later in the same year.

Primal Words

Madison Protests, political art, propaganda, protest songs, Solidarity Sing-Along

1. Introduction

Peaceful protests accept been the cornerstone of social change in this century besides as the last one. From sister suffragettes to civil rights marchers, those organizing protests have recognized the power of a group of people lifting their voices in song.[one] Singing has played a pivotal role in those protests. Songs such as "We Shall Overcome" and "Solidarity Forever" educate and unite a mass of people with a vision toward a more just time to come, frequently fueled past nostalgia for a past that is remembered to be more perfect than information technology was. Protests themselves are often sparked past a galvanizing moment of perceived injustice.

One such moment occurred in February 2011 when the Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, announced a budget repair bill, and while he claimed that this bill was modest and but entailed having country employees pay a niggling more in wellness insurance and retirement, in fact it proposed radical changes to commonage bargaining laws, drastic cuts to education, and the no-bid sale of some of the land's avails.[2] He introduced this so-chosen upkeep repair nib on a Fri afternoon with the intention that this bill would be signed into constabulary by the following Thursday, less than a calendar week from the pecker'south introduction. Walker and his administration were unprepared for the massive, peaceful protests this proposed legislation engendered in Madison and beyond the land. Police estimates put the protesting crowds around the Capitol at 50 one thousand on some days and near i hundred thousand on the weekend days following Walker'south announcement, with thousands of the protesters camping inside the Capitol.[3] Record-breaking protestation crowds continued for weeks afterwards. Their spirits were buoyed by the fleeing of fourteen land senators, who denied the State Firm the quorum needed to pass the bill.[4]

These protests attracted local, national, and even international media coverage from CNN, Fox News, MSNBC as well every bit the BBC[5], Al Jazeera,[six] and Russia Today.[seven] But what did those crowds do for hours on finish? They marched with placards, chanted slogans, sang protest songs, and danced every bit popular music broadcast over a audio system flooded the streets. Only after the enormous general protests, an open-concluded protest arose, i that is still going more than a year and half subsequently. This group of protesters, the "Solidarity Singers," continually welcome newcomers to the Capitol and sing traditional and newly composed protest songs during lunch hour in the rotunda or, when that is otherwise occupied, on the Capitol steps.[eight] The media are no longer interested in Madison as the larger protests accept come to an end, and the results of the historic recall election are yesterday's news. However, with over 500 performances nether their belts, the Solidarity Singers programme to proceed their weekday protests until, equally 1 imprint they display during their Capitol performances reads, "things get meliorate."

The aim of this paper is to examine the propaganda power of Madison's Solidarity Sing-Forth. To do so, I volition modify the Epistemic Merit Model of propaganda then that it can account for a broader spectrum of propaganda. I will show how this is consistent with other accounts of musical pragmatics and the potential political role of songs and music. That is, not simply can an informed enquiry deepen our understanding of how music can function in the social and political spheres, information technology demonstrates that musical meaning can involve much more than than mere musical or aesthetic pregnant. This will provide the footing for a robust estimation of the political meanings of the Solidarity Sing-Along. Moreover, such an assay gives us a broader sense of how art can inform political experiences and the political procedure. I will assume the Madison protests and the Solidarity Sing-Forth are a paradigm case of peaceful protest, as it has been claimed that the Madison protest and the role of art within those protests ready the phase for the Occupy Move protests later in the same yr.[9]

2. What is propaganda? Neutral and pejorative senses and the Epistemic Merit Model

Military band music and pop songs played earlier a politician's stump spoken communication are examples of the longstanding tradition of marshaling the propaganda power of songs and music. However, in guild to argue that protest songs have propaganda power, the notion of propaganda must be clarified. In contemporary English usage, in that location are two senses of the term 'propaganda,' a neutral and pejorative 1. The term was coined by Pope Gregory the XV in 1622 to refer to the congregio de propaganda, an organization of the Roman curia that had jurisdiction over missionary territories.[10] The aim of the congregation was to convert those in missionary territories to Catholicism. Propaganda in this sense is an human activity of political discourse, or, an act of political persuasion. This would mean that a politician'due south stump speech or a denizen's letter to the editor might be called propaganda. Some take argued that any act of political persuasion is propaganda, and thus, the neutral sense of propaganda equates propaganda with mere political persuasion.[xi] Ministries of Propaganda are so-chosen because they aim at persuading populations to cover national policy. We might add together the caveat that those involved in this persuasion are non interested in dialogue, but instead are focused on a specific message, messages, or calendar. Ane test to distinguish propaganda from sincere public discourse is to run across whether the person advancing the message would modify her position publicly in the confront of evidence.

Nonetheless, propaganda has come to mean more than than mere political persuasion and every bit such the term is frequently one of derision. That is, if a political leader label's an opponent'due south commercials equally propaganda, the pol is not simply saying that the opponent is engaging in political persuasion, simply insinuating that the opponent is lying or trying to manipulate public opinion. In that location is an epistemic component in this accusation that those who advance propaganda are tinkering with the proper germination of beliefs.

The Epistemic Merit Model (EMM) has been proposed in order to deal with the pejorative sense propaganda has come to have, and the fact that works of art, such as Guernica, have been used propagandistically.[12] Although this model is intended to capture the pejorative sense of propaganda, the model contains insights into the general miracle and, with slight revisions, could describe both the debasing and neutral senses of propaganda as well equally its application to a broad range of works of fine art and other cultural artifacts. The EMM captures the pejorative sense of propaganda with the post-obit definition:

Propaganda = an epistemically defective message used with the intention to persuade a socially significant group of people on behalf of a political institution, arrangement or cause.[13]

The term "epistemically lacking message" can exist identified as:

An epistemically defective message = a message that is fake, misleading, inappropriate or continued to other beliefs in ways that are inapt, misleading or unwarranted.[14]

Each status above is sufficient for a message to be epistemically lacking. Information technology is non necessary for the message itself to be false for it to be defective. To illustrate, nosotros can consider the slogan "no other aspirin is proven more constructive." The sentence itself is a true sentence; however, the message is epistemically defective. It is intended to pb its audience to believe that Bayer aspirin is the best aspirin, whereas we are only warranted in assertive that given the same chemical component information technology is no better or worse than other brands, including generic ones. The defectiveness of this message captures the debasing sense that propaganda has come to have.[fifteen] Propaganda need not exist lies, simply instead relies upon the connection betwixt the bulletin and the beliefs, desires, emotions, or other mental content that the audition is likely to take.

Propaganda as a species of political persuasion is a specific circuitous action, which is to say that information technology is goal-directed, and an interpretation of this circuitous action may require identifying how the immediate action is tied to some further ends. The purpose of propaganda is to influence the beliefs, desires, imagination, or other mental content of its audience in lodge to attain a political feat. There are four parts to EMM that are necessary and jointly sufficient: 1) epistemically defective message 2) used with the intention to persuade three) a socially significant group of people 4) on behalf of a political institution, organization, or cause. All four components piece of work in concert to course a specific kind of speech act.

I agree that, as currently formulated, the epistemic merit model captures the debasing sense of propaganda, precisely because it identifies propaganda every bit a speech act with an epistemically defective message. Since information technology is the defectiveness of the message that accounts for the term's debasing valence, a neutral definition of propaganda might nevertheless invoke the insights of speech act theory while non existence committed to the bulletin'due south being epistemically lacking. A neutral definition of propaganda could also acknowledge the post-obit four necessary and jointly sufficient conditions: 1) a charged, epistemically merited bulletin 2) used with the intention to persuade, 3) a socially significant grouping of people, 4) on behalf of a political institution, arrangement, or cause. That is, the conditions are identical with the exception of the outset. In that location are two parts to the message in the neutral sense: the first is that information technology is epistemically merited and the 2d is that it is charged where charged could be read as meaning roughly the same as J.50. Austin'south "total speech act."[16] This contrasts with the beginning status of the pejorative sense in which the message is epistemically lacking.

The deviation betwixt a charged, epistemically merited message and an epistemically defective message, apart from the message'due south relation to knowledge (broadly construed), is that a "charged message" would involve all 3 acts of Austin'due south spoken language act theory: locutionary act, illocutionary deed, and perlocutionary act. In short, each charged message would have signs or symbols that are intended to express meaningful content (locutionary human action). It is intended to do something further by ways of the charged message (illocutionary act), and the message would accept some sort of uptake whereby the audience recognizes the locutionary and illocutionary acts (perlocutionary human action). Nosotros should exist articulate that the uptake does not necessarily involve the audition believing the message but instead the audience recognizing the intent of the speaker in conveying a specific bulletin. A charged message is overt almost its being propaganda.

One might object that epistemic merit or defectiveness is one of degree and hardly the sort of sortal holding necessary to separate different kinds of propaganda. I would respond that all propaganda is of the same species; that is, information technology is all a species of political persuasion. What serves to differentiate all propaganda from other forms of persuasion are the conditions ii-4. There may be some overlap between the epistemically merited messages and the epistemically lacking letters, but this is what one would await of a category that admits of degrees. If in that location were a blue-xanthous spectrum for shades of dark-green, one might expect that a particular shade might appear either more bluish or yellowish depending on other features within the context. Nonetheless, the being of such a spectrum does not mean that in that location is non a meaningful distinction fabricated between blue and yellow.

One might similarly country that the EMM does not adequately bargain with the moral dimensions of propaganda, as not all cases of epistemic defectiveness are moral failings. However, it is not clear that all cases of propaganda in the debasing (or even neutral) sense must be labeled with the aforementioned moral belongings. Since the EMM demands an interpretation of the work's bulletin and how the bulletin is continued to other beliefs probable to exist held by its intended audition, the interpretative work in sorting out the morality of the message volition depend on the contents and contexts of the propaganda's use, and hence not all propaganda, whether debasing or neutral, will be able to be painted with the same moral colour.

An example of how we can apply spoken language act theory to songs may brand things clearer. Theodore Gracyk applies Austin's theory to the ring, U2. He offers an clear explanation of locution, illocution, and perlocution, so I will quote him at length here:

The power to perform actions with words and other sounds depends on the total act in the total speech situation. The point of stressing the "full speech act" is that each utterance typically performs three different acts: a locutionary human activity, an illocutionary deed, and a perlocutionary act. The locutionary act is the production of meaningful sounds or other signs, such as Bono's ability to articulate the three sounds that form the two words "walk away" during the chorus of "I Volition Follow." The illocutionary act is to express his feelings near his mother. The perlocutionary human activity is the product of consequences past ways of the successful illocutionary act, such as getting the listeners to pay attending to the theme of mothers and sons. Many of U2'due south overtly political songs seem to be offered with the perlocutionary intention of getting the audition to think about politics such equally getting listeners to think most American Imperialism by means of the words and music of "Bullet of the Blue Sky."… Rattle and Hum documents Bono lecturing the audience well-nigh apartheid during "Silver and Gold" concluding, "Am I buggin' ya? I don't mean to bug ya." Bono wants to inspire the crowd to think about apartheid, but he knows that the illocutionary act of preaching may commit the perlocutionary act that he did not intend, such as alienating the mass audience.[17]

Ane advantage of couching propaganda assay in speech act theory is that this theory has been used to explain other uses of art, those which become beyond the contemplation of art for art'southward sake. Since art has played a central role in the dissemination of propaganda, whatever acceptable theory of propaganda should be sufficient to the task of analyzing art propaganda, including the uses of songs. In the next section, we turn to extensions of spoken communication act theory to songs and music as adult by Justin London. In addition, we will sample from the catalog of the moral functions of music by Phillip Alperson and Noel Carroll in lodge to testify how the epistemic merit model of propaganda is coherent with electric current strains of aesthetic research. In the penultimate section we volition use the revised epistemic merit model to the Solidarity Sing-Along of the Madison Protests.

3. Propaganda, speech acts, and third-political party uses of music or songs

Alperson and Carroll describe some ways that music tin exist used to influence the body politic. They write, "Music tin also play an explicit part in the promotion of social and political action, and this can take several guises. Music may belch a cognitive function by marking or bringing to attention conditions that call for political action."[18] The presumption within their essay is that such calls for action are generally moral or the moral part of a political life. This may exist because all the examples of such calls to political activeness that are used as examples in the article are reactions against perceived injustices, such as. "Sweet Honey in the Rock" and "Lullabies from the Centrality of Evil." That is, if they were to count this function as propaganda, they would exist doing so in what the EMM calls the neutral sense. They write, "[One thousand]usic is explicitly composed or performed to raise awareness of oppressive conditions….The meanings may exist subtly encoded as in the case of slave songs of the American South. Or the messages can be overt, as in the case of protest songs that highlight conditions of oppression and injustice. This apply of protestation songs is also well established."[nineteen]

We might extend their assay to include uses of music that autumn under the pejorative sense of propaganda, such as the songs involved in the Rwandan Genocide, "Twansezereye," "Nanga Abahutu"and, "Bene Sebahizi,"whichwere considered as show against vocalizer-songwriter Simon Bikindi. The charge he was institute guilty of was "direct and public incitement to commit genocide" during the International Rwandan War Tribunal in Arusha, Tanzania.[20] Bikinda's deportment are depicted in the opening scene of the fictional picture show Hotel Rwanda.[21] While Alperson and Carroll do not specifically phone call for speech act-inspired propaganda analysis of music, the purpose of their article was to catalog or survey different moral uses of music, and their business relationship is consistent with EMM-inspired propaganda analysis.

In comparison, Justin London's essay, "Tertiary Party Uses of Music and Musical Pragmatics," uses oral communication act theory to explain how music might be used as lullabies, valentines, or fifty-fifty to keep kids from loitering in parking lots. London writes, "A third-party use of a slice of music or musical operation occurs when someone takes a slice written or performed by another person or grouping and presents it to a listener (or listeners) for their ain communicative purposes.…More precisely, a third-political party apply of music involves the presentation of a work in a nonnormative musical context and with a discernible intention dissever from simply that of listening to music for its own sake."[22]

It is worth repeating that both the pejorative and neutral senses of propaganda in the EMM are what Austin would phone call a "full speech act." The speech human action theory of linguistic analysis is sometimes referred to as a pragmatic theory: that language does more than refer to the world is a key insight of speech act theory. London extends spoken language act theory to business relationship for pragmatic uses of music, including songs. For each specific kind of total spoken language human activity, locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary, London offers analogous musical counterparts: tonary act, intonary act, and pertonary act. Hence, a tonary act is a "musical functioning P with some expressive holding P." An intonary human activity is "an amanuensis's utilise of P for some pragmatic office (to annoy, to at-home, to inform, to provide an aesthetic experience) by virtue of P having EP in the particular musical-discursive content, C, from which the listener may infer the performer's intonary intent." Finally a pertonary act "occurs when the agent's intentions in affecting the listener's feelings, beliefs, or behavior are realized."[23]

London claims that "an exam of third-political party uses can clarify the expressive potential of a piece of music by embedding it in a relatively thick discursive context."[24] Too, the EMM seeks to analyze the propaganda power of works of fine art generally, including music and songs, by placing them in a relatively thick discursive context. The descriptions of such discursive contexts are enumerated past the necessary and jointly sufficient conditions set out by the model: ane) an epistemically lacking (or charged, epistemically merited) bulletin 2) used with the intention to persuade three) a socially significant group of people 4) on behalf of a political institution, arrangement, or crusade. These weather condition constrain how i describes the locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts (or their musical equivalents) as acts of propaganda. However, I suspect that the intonary act volition be the richest construction for propaganda analysis. In the side by side section, we volition utilise the EMM to describe the propaganda power of protest songs, the act of singing, and Solidarity Sing-Along's playlist in their ongoing protestation of the Budget Repair Bill and other deportment by Wisconsin'southward governor.

4. Applying the revised Epistemic Merit Model to Madison Solidarity Sing-Along protests

The protests to the Upkeep Repair Bill in Madison lasted for roughly three weeks. They began when the Teaching Assistants' Association (the University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate pupil spousal relationship) delivered valentines to Governor Scott Walker, urging him to accept a heart, to save the academy from drastic budget cuts, and not to abolish collective bargaining rights for all country employees.[25] The Country Associates held public hearings and flooring debates for 61 hours, which ended in a surprise phone call to vote that lasted only seconds, leaving many members of the assembly unable to cast their votes.[26] The mensurate passed the Assembly and awaited the return of 14 state senators for final passage. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of protesters marched outside, and hundreds more occupied the Capitol, sleeping for 16 nights on the marble floors every bit sympathizers from all over the world paid to have pizza delivered to the crowds.[27] The State Senate rewrote a portion of the bill so that merely a simple majority, instead of two-thirds of the senators, would contain a quorum for the vote. On March 10th, the State Senate followed the Assembly and hastily passed the neb while the fourteen state senators were out of state. The very adjacent day, Governor Walker signed his bill into police force.[28]

The day of the signing, "Steve Burns printed up some vocal books and led the get-go Solidarity Sing-Along in the Capitol. The idea was very simple. Stand in a circle. Sing for an hour. Go out. Come back the next 24-hour interval and practice it again."[29] The Solidarity Sing-Along has been held every week day since and so. The singers released a CD entitled, "This is What Commonwealth Sounds Like," and have created several editions of their songbook, calculation new songs and lyrics to their repertoire. "Subsequently the big rallies ended, many people were looking for a manner to continue the spirit of the occupation, to keep the free energy alive equally we began to work toward stopping the extreme agenda being foisted upon our beloved state."[30]

Clearly, Steve Burns and those who gathered with him solar day subsequently solar day were harnessing the propaganda power of protest songs. The EMM identifies four atmospheric condition that aid identify and translate art propaganda. 1) An epistemically lacking/charged epistemic merited message 2) used with the intent to persuade 3) a socially significant audition 4) on behalf of an institution, system, or cause. One might wonder, given this model, how to individuate the specific acts of propaganda when the protest is ongoing: Is it the individual songs? Is each day a different human activity? Does it matter if the singers change? What if the nature of the political organization or cause changes? Could one in the same protestation have propaganda in both senses of the word?

I think a broadly Davidsonian arroyo would be useful here, without putting besides much weight on specific metaphysical issues.[31] I suggest that nosotros can draw art propaganda by filling in each of the blanks of the weather specified, while recognizing that there may exist instances of propaganda, artistic or otherwise, that are intended to advance a particular political organisation, institution, or cause and that the cause may change as events unfold. This is figuratively analogous to the Russian matryoshka dolls, whose smaller dolls nest within incrementally larger ones. This leaves open up the possibility that some of the propaganda would give rise to propaganda in the pejorative sense of the discussion, whereas other instances would exist propaganda considered positively or neutrally, the difference lying in the merit of the message.

The Solidarity Singers' membership consists of all who accept participated in a sing-along. The individuals who participate may vary twenty-four hours past solar day, but a commitment to keeping the spotlight on the "extreme agenda" of a Tea Party-dominated country government is shared by all. The Solidarity Singers retain the aforementioned commitment to their protest practices even though the group has changed leaders and the content of their crusade shifts as further political events unfold. For example, there were many elements of the Budget Repair Pecker that were objectionable to the singers: the $1.2 billion cut to public school assistance; a program to drib 30,000 people (including many children) from Badger-care, a state-run health insurance for the poor, likewise as the dismantling of collective bargaining rights for country employees. Moreover, the Budget Repair Nib is non the Republican-dominated state government's only legislative achievement. Republican lawmakers have passed bills that crave photograph identification to vote, proposed a mining neb that eliminates public hearings, reduces pollution controls, and fast-tracked permits for Northern Wisconsin mines. The Solidarity Singers equally individuals may not all notice the aforementioned things objectionable about the electric current administration, but they all find the "extreme agenda" enough to brainstorm a protest practice whose purpose is to petition the authorities.[32] Hence, we take identified the fourth condition of EMM: the Solidarity Singers are a political arrangement.

The intention to persuade, or the second condition of EMM, is expressed by the Solidarity Singers with their recitation of Article 1, Department 4, of the Wisconsin State Constitution at the beginning of every sing-forth. "The right of the people peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, and to petition the government, or any department thereof, shall never be abridged."[33] They petition the government to reconsider some of its policies. They also believe that this sort of petition is worth the endeavour. Reeder writes, "a secondary purpose had developed. The sing-forth was strengthening us. The power of singing together was unmistakable. Nosotros left stronger than we arrived. We might arrive in despair, shocked at some new atrocity the Walker administration was attempting to foist upon our land, just nosotros could leave strengthened and ready to get dorsum to the important work of participatory democracy."[34]

They take a socially significant audience in the stated purpose as expressed past Chris Reeder, an organizer and song leader: "[T]he main purpose of the sing-along was…petitioning of our government." Of course, at that place can be more than than 1 audience and fifty-fifty more than one intended audition. There are many advisable descriptions that would see the third condition of EMM, a socially significant audition, and in that location is no contradiction in having those singing also being the audition for the operation. The audience is also broader than the walls of the Capitol building. The singers' protestation practice has garnered media notice from the local papers and national magazines.[35] Also, it has caught the attention of prominent singers such as Jackson Browne, Tom Morello, and Billy Bragg, who have on occasion joined the Sing-Along. Baton Bragg, the British musician who penned "In that location is Power in a Union," added an international scope to the audition because his function in the British Labour Union protest of the 1980s connects that struggle with the events in Madison. Tom Morello has participated in the Sing-Along, also. The whole feel of the Madison Protests and the Solidarity Sing-Along inspired a bonus track on his album Worldwide Rebel Songs. Thus, Morello and Braggs are the audience, the participants, and the composers of some of the protest songs. Moreover, Morello has described his Madison experiences when interviewed by CNN or as a panel participant on television shows such as Real Time with Bill Maher. This gives the protest a wider audience than a unproblematic gathering in the Capitol would have attracted.

The meat of the EMM model and its first condition is an analysis of the epistemic merit of the bulletin. The sheer act of singing in a circumvolve for an hr every day for days on terminate has its own message. The messages of the Sing-Along are conveyed by the lyrics of the songs every bit much every bit by the persistence of the gatherings. The songs that comprise whatsoever given Sing-Along vary every day of the protest. As mentioned in a higher place, the meetings e'er beginning with a recitation from the Wisconsin State Constitution.[36] After newcomers and regulars have been given song books, the song leader asks if there are any requests. We can consider the epistemic merit of the message that is generally conveyed past the existence of the sing-forth, and then consider the epistemic merit of the song lyrics in the context of the Madison Capitol.

To use London's terminology, the tonary, the intonary, and pertonary or the full musical pragmatics of a message should be considered in lodge to evaluate a message's epistemic merit. The tonary human action is the expression of protest to the state of political affairs. The intonary human action may be described every bit "moral deference." Jeanette Bicknell suggests "to do moral deference is to acquire a new set of sensibilities about what it is to alive equally an oppressed person in an unjust globe."[37] Moral deference is a term she borrowed from Laurence Thomas, who claims that "the persistence of retentivity is what makes moral deference necessary and what makes it possible. The memory of past injustice shapes private's responses in the present….Since a customs's memories are so often captured and transmitted through its music, it seems especially appropriate to exercise moral deference with regard to that music."[38] The use of songs, such as "We Shall Overcome," "There is Power in a Matrimony," and "Solidarity Forever," is intended to express historical commonality with other protests, to speak to the powers that be in the present historical condition, and to form a community as ballast against the storms of injustice.

Some may fence that to call the intonary act of the Solidarity Sing-Along moral deference is to insinuate a false equivalence between the dictates of the Budget Repair Bill and the oppressions of slavery and patriarchy. I would suggest that in rural areas where more than than half the population lives in poverty, taking away many farmers' access to health care by making them ineligible for BadgerCare, and weakening the strongest public institution in many country towns, the public schools, frays the very material of small town life at the edges, which is indeed oppressive.

The intonary act is amplified by the juxtapositions of familiar tunes with new, regionally inspired lyrics. The Woody Guthrie song, "This Land is your Land," is sung with the lyrics, "This House is your House, this House is my House. From the rotunda, to the Governor'southward office! Scott Walker will never button us out. This Firm was made for you and me."[39] The Raging Grannies (a protest group of women aged l years or older) penned, "Oh, Scott Walker," to the melody of "Oh Susana." It proclaims, "Oh, Scott Walker, now don't you mess with me. I come from Wisconsin, with a sign for you to see."[40] The utilize of the familiar tunes makes participation in the protest easier, particularly for those who cannot read music. Further, the use of these songs serves to mark a historical moment and to actuate more participation in the political procedure.

The summer afterwards the passage of Walker'southward Upkeep Repair Bill, five land senators faced remember elections: two Republican senators and iii Democrat Senators.[41] In that location are song lyrics that specifically mention the recall to the tune of the University of Wisconsin's fight vocal, "On Wisconsin!" "On Wisconsin! On Wisconsin! Marriage, through and through! Call back the senate union busters, their dominate Walker, too. Rah, rah, rah!"[42] In January 2012, more one one thousand thousand signatures were filed to recollect Governor Walker and Lt. Governor Kleefisch. This marks merely the third time in United States history that a land governor has been forced to stand up a recall ballot. The songs that feature call up lyrics set to familiar tunes have, equally their intonary act, moral support for the recollect try.

The epistemic merit of the letters inherent in the protest vocal lyrics oft turn on a highly contextualized interpretation. In that location are times when the lyrics clearly appear hyperbolic and even histrionic. For example, the lyric of "The Fiddler" ("to recall a puppet governor the Tea Political party enshrines") is non particularly fair to a governor who sees himself as a deeply principled conservative.[43] The phrase, "Walker own't gonna govern hither no more," when sung before the call back ballot, reflects an aspiration. Afterward the think election, information technology is plainly false.[44] Though these over-the-top lyrics are part of what gives propaganda its pejorative sense, nosotros should be clear that an epistemic defect does not entail a moral deficit. A further argument needs to exist fabricated in social club to show that a specific epistemically defective message may be morally problematic. This lies beyond the scope of this project and would be a topic for a dissimilar paper. Every bit a whole, I think the Solidarity Sing-Along is epistemically merited, as the lyrics article of clothing their literary tropes openly and enables an audition to separate hyperbole from truth, or caricature from fact.

The pertonary act of the Solidarity Sing-Along reveals the uptake of the audience to the tonary and intonary acts. Those who sympathize with the cause and participate or watch are witness to a range of feelings from righteous indignation to entertainment in response to clever lyrics. The pertonary deed is partially responsible for the success of the recollect movement in gathering signatures and it prompted the Wisconsin Department of Administration to pass a policy requiring groups of iv or more than persons of non-related members to purchase a protestation permit in society to besiege in the Capitol.[45] The ACLU complained that such a policy violates the Beginning Amendment, and in response the policy was changed so that in that location were no consequences to violating it, and it has never been enforced. Given that Scott Walker is the first governor to survive a remember election, the pertonary human activity of continuing to sing in the midst of obstacles is an affidavit of the long arc of justice and a attestation to a belief in the virtues of participatory democracy.

5. Conclusion

And so what does Madison'due south Solidarity Sing-Forth show the states about the propaganda power of protest songs and protest singing? It demonstrates that the very deed of singing can serve to petition a government for redress, to coalesce a customs, to attract attending from multinational media sources, to brand injustices known, and to record the events for history while placing them in the broader context of a historical narrative. This propaganda power of protestation songs does not have the power of a gun or a vote in a ballot box. Its power is best summed up by Madison songwriter and performer Lou Berryman: "I can't tell whether music changes the world, simply I know information technology changes people, one person at a time."[46] The political implication of such change should not be underestimated.[47] Finally, it shows that in a democratic state, it is not but rational arguments that articulate political viewpoints, but the expressive ability of songs accept the power to represent the voices of the people, besides.

Sheryl Tuttle Ross

Sheryl Tuttle Ross is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, where her research focuses on aesthetics, ideals, and feminism. She is currently working on aesthetic akrasia and the relationship between art and politics or morality more generally.

Published on Apr 1, 2013.


    1. "Sweetness Honey in the Stone," PBS National Broadcast (June 29, 2005).return to text

    2. Senate Neb xi, State of Wisconsin 2011-2012 Legislature, January 2011. Special Session, February 14, 2011. return to text

    3. AP, "Madison Protests Hit Largest Numbers on Saturday," Huffington Post (Feb 19, 2011). Video link return to text

    4. NPR Staff and Wires, "Wis. Democrats Flee To Prevent Vote On Spousal relationship Beak," NPR News, (February 17, 2011). return to text

    5. "Wisconsin: Thousands protest in union dispute," BBC News (March 5, 2011). states-canada-12658349. Video link http://youtu.exist/UeHahlFxy0c return to text

    6. "Wisconsin passes contentious bill," Al Jazeera (February 25, 2011). http://world wide return to text

    7. "Wisconsin Republicans crush marriage rights," Russian federation Today (March 10, 2011). relationship-rights/. Video link return to text

    8. Solidarity Sing Along's Facebook folio at http://world wide Video link http://youtu.exist/YP14IBUzLUM return to text

    9. Tom Morello on Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) has made this merits as well as Michael Moore in Tavis Smiley's Public Forum on Poverty (C-Span).return to text

    10. Robert Jackall, "Introduction," Propaganda, ed. Robert Jackall (New York: University Press, 1995), p. 1return to text

    11. This is a prevalent definition that is found in the post-obit works; William Hummell and Keith Huntress, The Analysis of Propaganda (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1949), p. 2. A Group Leader's Guide to Propaganda Analysis (New Haven: The Institute for Propaganda Assay, 1938), p. 41.return to text

    12. Sheryl Tuttle Ross "Understanding Propaganda: The Epistemic Merit Model and its Application to Art," The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 36, 1 (2002).return to text

    13. Ibid. return to text

    14. Ibid. return to text

    15. Ibid. return to text

    16. J.L Austin, How to Do Things With Words (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1975).return to text

    17. Theodore Gracyk, "To Find a Song that I Tin can Sing: What Philosophy of Linguistic communication Can Tell Us virtually Popular Success," U2 and Philosophy, ed. past Mark Wrathall (Blackwell Wiley, 2006).return to text

    18. Phillip Alperson and Noel Carroll, "Music, Listen and Morality: Arousing the Trunk Politic," Journal of Artful Education, 42, 1 (Spring, 2008), viiireturn to text

    19. Ibid., p. 7.return to text

    20. International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda ( return to text

    21. Hotel Rwanda (2004), directed by Terry George.return to text

    22. Justin London "3rd-Political party uses of Music and Musical Pragmatics" in Journal of Aesthetics and Fine art Criticism, 66, three (Summer, 2008), 253.return to text

    23. Ibid., p. 259.return to text

    24. Ibid., p. 254.return to text

    25. Dawn Reiss, "With Wisconsin's Protesters: A Cold Night in Madison," TIME (February 21, 2011). http://www.fourth,8599,2052884,00.html return to text

    26. "Wisconsin Assembly Oks bargaining bill," UPI (February 25, 2011). return to text

    27. Dawn Reiss, "With Wisconsin's Protestors…," TIME.return to text

    28. Monica Davey, "In Wisconsin Battle on Unions, Country Democrats See a Gift," The New York Times (March 10, 2011). http://world wide return to text

    29. Chris Reeder, "This is What Democracy Sounds like," Solidarity Sing Forth CD (February 2012).return to text

    30. Ibid. return to text

    31. Donald Davidson, "The Individuation of Events," Essays on Actions and Events (Oxford, 1980).return to text

    32. Chris Reeder, Solidarity Sing Along CD.return to text

    33. Wisconsin Land Constitution Article 1, Section four.return to text

    34. Chris Reeder, Solidarity Sing Forth CD.return to text

    35. The Progessive, The Nation and Daily Kos have all had articles about Solidarity Sing-Forth.return to text

    36. Video Link: return to text

    37. Jeanette Bicknell "Reflections on 'John Henry': Ethical Bug in Singing Functioning," Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 67, 2 (Spring 2009).return to text

    38. Ibid., p. 178.return to text

    39. Peter Leidy and Woody Guthrie, "This State is Your Land," Solidarity Sing Forth Songbook (March 2011).return to text

    40. Stephen Foster, "Oh Susana!," with new lyrics by Kathy Miner for the Raging Grannies Solidarity Sing Along Songbook (March 2011).return to text

    41. Those who signed the retrieve petitions for the Democratic Senators contend that fleeing the land to avert a contentious vote was a breach of duties. The Solidarity Sing Forth strongly favored the recall of the Republican Senators and Governor Scott Walker because of their farthermost agenda, peculiarly the contents of the Budget Repair Bill. return to text

    42. William T Purdy, Charles Rosa and J.S. Hubbard, "On Wisconsin" Fight Song with additional lyrics by Berry Craig, Steve Burns and Theodora Winston Youmans, Solidarity Sing Forth Songbook (March 2011).return to text

    43. Greg Gordon, "Downwardly at the Sing Along," Solidarity Sing Along Songbook (March 2011).return to text

    44. Doleta Chapru, "The Fiddler," Solidarity Sing Along Songbook (March 2011).return to text

    45. Dirt Barbour, "Protest singers' numbers grow in wake of Capitol primary's comments," The Land Journal (August 29, 2012). return to text

    46. Solidarity Sing Along CD.return to text

    47. I would like to express my gratitude to the anonymous reviewers for Contemporary Aesthetics who provided helpful criticisms, to Eva Dadlez, James Due west. Mock, and Jeanette Bicknell for their supportive comments, and to Luke Konkol for technical assist.return to text


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